My Vintage Computer Virtual Museum and blog page.

Finally upgraded internet service… —

We’ve finally been able to upgrade our internet service to symmetrical gigabit fiber, visitors should see significantly faster image loads (text loads were already being cached by cloudflare so shouldn’t see much difference there), we were previously hosting on a 20mbps DSL connection, so this is a big upgrade!  I’d guess that any bottlenecks on our hosting now are solely in the hardware of the Raspberry Pi4 (or SD card) that’s hosting it, might need to look into migrating that into a VM on my NAS server or something.

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  1. vicente irizarri says:

    tengo un ordenador portable NIXDORF, con pantalla monocroma naranja, disquetera 5 1/4, disco duro 5 Mb, impresora termica. S. O. IBM PC DOS
    Parece que es identico al IBM portable o COMPAC. se diferencia por la conexion helioidal retractil por cable con el teclado, está a la izquierda
    Funciona perfectamente, las conexiones, impresora termica, todo.
    quisiera saber las características ya que no encuentro datos.

    • I am not very familiar with NIXDORF computers, it sounds like a very intersting computer, I wish I could provide more information.
      Sorry for using Google translate, I do not speak Spanish.

      No estoy muy familiarizado con los ordenadores NIXDORF, me parece un ordenador muy interesante, ojalá pudiera aportar más información.
      Perdón por usar el traductor de Google, no hablo español.

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