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Repaired a few old motherboards. —

Found a few old motherboards in my storage, for some odd reason all 3 were missing their AT keyboard ports.  Put in an order to digikey for some 5-Din AT Keyboards ports and soldered them in.  The Acer Pentium board also had a badly leaking capacitor that was replaced.

Followup, The Acer board does not POST, not sure what its problem is, need to get a POST card to see whats hanging up.

On the plus side, the Zeos P60 and FIC 486 both POST, so they will soon be working machines!

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  1. Viktor M. says:

    Hi there – how does the ZEOS board perform? any chance to run speedsys and cachchk7 on it?


    • You know, I am not sure, I have not actually put this into a system yet, It’s just sitting in a static bag in a box on the shelf awaiting the perfect AT case to come along.
      I did figure out the issues with the Acer board in the post, there’s a voltage regulator/heat-sink package that has been ripped off the board, not sure specs on it, so I have not got around to fixing it yet. The FIC 486 is the only one that’s been put into a system yet

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