My Vintage Computer Virtual Museum and blog page.

Spent the weekend at warehouse. —

I spent the weekend with my friends Ryan, Garrett, and Hannah having fun with some cool vintage systems, and we checked out a Hamfest in Green Bay, where I found a decent deal on a 120MHZ USB oscilloscope.  I came home with the USB oscilloscope from the Hamfest, and a Compaq SLT 286 laptop with dock, and a new in box Lian Li PC-7 case in a beautiful anodized purple from Garrett.

Spent my Birthday weekend at —

Spent my birthday weekend with Ryan P at Garret’s BitHistory warehouse.  Ryan and I make the ~4 hour trek from Minneapolis to Appleton a few times a year to geek out over cool vintage tech with good friends.

This trip I came home with an Original Macintosh (128k).  It needs some work, does not power up, added to the list of projects…

Spent some time at the warehouse. —

Spent the weekend with Ryan P. at our friend Garrett’s warehouse.  We spent time helping Garrett sort and fix up some non working systems.

I spent some hands-on time with his Thinkpad 701c “butterfly” – it needed an OS loaded up on it, so I loaded MS-DOS and Windows 3.1.

We also spent a bit of time troubleshooting a memory issue on an IBM 5150 and getting it booting DOS.

Garrett even gave me some pink 3.5″ floppy disks 😀


Finally upgraded internet service… —

We’ve finally been able to upgrade our internet service to symmetrical gigabit fiber, visitors should see significantly faster image loads (text loads were already being cached by cloudflare so shouldn’t see much difference there), we were previously hosting on a 20mbps DSL connection, so this is a big upgrade!  I’d guess that any bottlenecks on our hosting now are solely in the hardware of the Raspberry Pi4 (or SD card) that’s hosting it, might need to look into migrating that into a VM on my NAS server or something.

Spent my birthday weekend at warehouse —

Spent my birthday weekend with my friend Garrett (of, he had a public sale at the warehouse over the weekend.  Took my other friend Ryan with me, and we both helped sort and price things for the sale 🙂

Spent the weekend at the warehouse —

My friend Ryan and I made the 4 hour drive out to the warehouse to spend the weekend with our friend Garrett.  Garrett was doing a public sale at the warehouse, we wanted to go out there to help him sort/prep and hang out for the weekend.

I picked up a few new goodies at the warehouse sale too:

Found a cool BECO butt-set while antiquing. —

My partner and I were camping about 75 miles from home and happened into an antique shop and I found this cool butt-set for a reasonable price, picked it up to add to my collection of about 4 or 5 other butt-sets.

Spent the weekend at the warehouse again. —

My friend Ryan and I traveled from Minneapolis MN to Appleton WI (289mi/465km) and spent the weekend with our friend Garrett digging through his warehouse and geeking out over cool vintage tech.

The major items I picked up are a first gen intel Mac Mini 1,1 and an IBM 5150 with Model F keyboard and 5151 monitor.



Switch DNS to Cloudflare —

Switched DNS for my sites to Cloudflare, since my sites are all just small hobby sites I can use their free plan. I can leverage their CDN and DDoS protection, plus free SSL.  Should hopefully make the site more responsive and protect my network and web-server too.